Album Review: Where Giants Once Stood – “.live above.”

wgosThe Toronto quartet Where Giants Once Stood aren’t wasting any time getting their name out there. Upon their inception in 2013 they are already planning the release of their second EP “Live Above.” (due out Sept. 2 via iTunes, Cd Baby, and BandCamp) A Self-released offering with a mix of guttural growls, screams and clean vocals that are very reminiscent of early Killswitch Engage and The Human Abstract. Their style is very much their own however incorporating a bit of the technical guitar riffs with the heavy metal chugging, all of which blends well with smooth flowing bass lines and pounding drums that are sure to get you head-banging upon first listen.

wgos promo

The group isn’t messing around this time around, having Jon Howard of Threat Signal at the helm of their production was definitely a step in the right direction. Though the EP only lasts about 19 minutes, this is a well rounded mix with the song ‘The Damaged’ ending in a flamenco-esque leading into the partial orchestrated, yet brutal assault of a closing track ‘Myths, Lies & Crimes‘ that leaves you wanting more!

EP opener ‘Living in Security’ while not the strongest track on the album sends forth a really great message of living in the moment and not regretting past decisions. Just take a look at the Chorus:

To live in regret is not the life for me.
You decide on who you want to be.
We sever ties to make us feel we’ve grown,
but in end, we all die alone.

It really puts things to perspective for all of us, make the most with what we have and if things don’t work out sever your ties and move on.  Overall the EP is excellent and upon watching the video below they are bound to put on a great live show. Don’t just take our word for it look at the list of band they have shared the stage with in just their first year as a band:

  • Chelsea Grin (artery Recordings)
  • Veil of Maya (Sumerian Records)
  • Iwrestledabearonce (Century Media)
  • Born of Osiris (Sumerian Records)
  • I, the Breather (Sumerian Records)

Beginning to see a pattern? Looks like they are destined for Sumerian Records. . only time will tell. Give em a few more tours and Where Giants Once Stood will be a name to remember!

Rating: 3.5/5

R.I.Y.L. – Avenged Sevenfold, The Human Abstract, August Burns Red, Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God, Trivium, As I Lay Dying, Miss May I

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